Thanks to the rise of mobile
devices and applications, almost everything you need is now accessible in just
a few clicks. From shopping to traveling and working, there’s always an app that
you can use to assist you in just about everything you do. Even staying fit and
healthy and keeping track of your diet is now much easier with the countless health
and fitness apps available for mobile devices. For the health-conscious, you
can just download these apps on your iPad to keep you fit even when you’re
always on the go. Here are five health and fitness iPad apps worth downloading:

With calorie counter mobile app
My Fitness Pal, keeping track of your calorie intake and fitness goals is as
easy as tapping your iPad screen. The app enables you to set a daily calorie limit
and monitor your food intake and exercise, so you can reach your weight loss
goal more quickly and easily. Simply record or log the details of your food
intake and exercise in your account to keep track of your progress.
“Experience recipes from your mobile devices to
your fingertips.”
The CALCMENU application, developed by EGS, integrates recipe
management with mobile devices for a more streamlined recipe-sharing process. With
the new CALCMENU app, users can manage, view, search, and synchronize recipes
right on their iPads. The app provides flexibility and instant accessibility to
users who want to manage their recipes while on the go. Aside from this, the
CALCMENU iPad app also has an intuitive design and an easy-to-use interface for
enhanced user experience. With this app, you can easily plan meals and check
your recipe list even while grocery shopping.
Tracking calories is a cinch with
this popular calorie counter iPad app. It’s similar to My Fitness Pal; you can
also enter details of your meals and exercises to help you monitor the amount
of calories you burn and consume. Unlike My Fitness Pal, LiveStrong Calorie
Tracker isn’t free. It’s priced at $2.99 and available for download via App
With these apps, there’s no more excuse for you not to stick to your diet goals and keep your health in check. Any more useful health and fitness apps you can add to this list? Sound off in the comments.
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