The food industry professionals understand that it is certainly imperative to use a software for food and recipe management with other information that goes along each item and ingredient. It would nearly impossible to accomplish without using software, though it may still seem as a challenge for some to deal with technical basics. In reality, most chefs would still rather enjoy cooking and preparation rather than organizing recipe collections with a software that confuses the technical with their cooking functionality and artistry.
Recipe software should therefore be easy and pleasant to use, eliminating the challenge of actually entering data and optimizing the information of the stored data. CALCMENU is a software that makes it very convenient with more features to offer: shopping lists, automated recipe calculation, exportation of recipes to an external web service, unit conversion, etc.
EGS has developed CALCMENU - a suite of Recipe and Back Office Management Solution for the foodservice professionals who need to control their food costs, keep track of their inventory levels and costs and at the same time, keep the standards and quality of their menus. To be able to achieve our goal of gaining and retaining valuable customers, we have created a survey on our customer satisfaction that can assist in decision making, developing strategies, identifying strengths and weaknesses to bring out the best of our products.
This summary is a tool for identifying the most frequently used features of CALCMENU according to its users as well as their recommendations towards better recipe management software.
Frequently Used CALCMENU Features
Based on the gathered results, it can be concluded that most users enjoy using the CALCMENU software because of these two notable recipe management features:
(a) RECIPE COSTING – accurate and up-to-date costing of merchandise items to calculate profitable selling prices; (b) RECIPE STANDARDIZATION – centralized and standardized recipe enabled for different regions to effectively create and manage various kinds of recipes.

Recommended Features for CALCMENU

The report also reveals a higher percentage of CALCMENU users who would like to access their recipes and shopping lists through an iPad/iPhone or any other mobile devices. Meanwhile MENU ENGINEERING, a feature which allows the users to have sensible decisions in recipe costing as it analyzes the profitability of the menus, comes next in line among other recommendations. Once your recipes are stored in the system, there are numerous features you can use and above all, you have made your collection easily accessible. As the leading web solutions provider in the industry, with 24 years on its label, we continue to serve our customers worldwide with our line of recipe software making sure they meet their standards – economic, feature-rich, and user-friendly.
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