Nowadays, it is not enough for customers to just pick out any dish in a menu. Most of them make it a point to know what is in the dish—sometimes even demanding a detailed listing of the ingredients. It is a more vigilant approach to what you eat that can make a big difference in keeping yourself in the pink of health.
More and more health-conscious people keep track of each nutrient they take in, making sure that each intake is only within the recommended daily serving allowance. Others however, need to be more particular with the ingredients in their meal due to possible presence of allergens.
Realizing this, most major countries have approved laws that would require food producers and retailers to label and provide on-hand information regarding the nutrient and allergen content of the food they offer.
More and more health-conscious people keep track of each nutrient they take in, making sure that each intake is only within the recommended daily serving allowance. Others however, need to be more particular with the ingredients in their meal due to possible presence of allergens.
Allergens are substances in food that cause an adverse reaction, usually affecting the immune system. Virtually all allergens are proteins and can be present in large amounts and most often, survive food-processing conditions. If no extra care is made, ingestion of even a small amount, sometimes less than a milligram (e.g. a tiny fragment of almond or two sesame seeds) can lead to an upset stomach, rashes, itching of the skin or mouth, swelling of the throat and difficulty breathing. In rare occasions, allergy reactions can also be fatal.
Realizing this, most major countries have approved laws that would require food producers and retailers to label and provide on-hand information regarding the nutrient and allergen content of the food they offer.
With this growing importance of keeping the consumers informed about the nutrients and allergens, it will be more efficient and wise for food producers and retailers to invest in reliable tools which would effectively help them to do so.
Which brings to mind EGS CALCMENU and EGS F&B Control which do not only improve food processes through recipe costing, managament and product inventory but also aid and improve nutrition and allergen management.
Just how do EGS CALCMENU and F&B Control help you in ensuring reliable nutrient and allergen management? Find out in our next post.
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