After using the online demo of CALCMENU, you decided that it is the recipe management solution you needed and decided to buy CALCMENU. EGS sends you CALCMENU in DVD form together with the user manual. You install CALCMENU in your computer but, you are confused as to where to start. Here I will explain how to go about in starting to use CALCMENU. First, you need to configure your CALCMENU . Go to Configuration> Options and Preferences . This is where you set up the basic information you will use in the CALCMENU program itself and in managing your recipes. The Options dialog box displays the several information that you can configure. You can define your preferences for the general and default information, nutrients, picture, currency, import and contact. Define all the information that you will use in CALCMENU. For example, if you are using English as the language of the program, then select English in the General tab. Metric or Imperial? If you want to use kilograms, grams, li...
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